As a player, he was in a class of his own. 作为运动员,他是独一无二的。
Children learn in mixed ability classes and move up a class each year. 孩子们在学生能力参差不齐的班级学习,每年升一级。
He'd never been in a class before and he was not even sure that he should have been teaching 他以前从未教过课,甚至不确定自己该不该教课。
Joseph instructs a class in woodwork. 约瑟夫教一个班木工课。
He was in a class ahead of me at Dalian University. 在大连大学时他比我高一班。
With regard to hardness, the diamond is in a class by itself. 讲硬度,金刚钻是独一无二的。
The orchid is a class of plant which I have never tried to grow. 兰花这类植物我从来没种过。
She takes care of a class and is also in charge of the administrative work. 她既要带班,又要负责行政工作。
And a class at Harvard Business School takes this idea of self-knowledge through group learning a step further. 而哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)的类似课程则将这种通过小组学习实现自我认知的理念推向了新的层次。
An annotation applied on a class is applicable to all the methods in the class. 应用于类的注释适用于类中的所有方法。
Ruby opens a class and adds a method with the name and body you provide to the Dog class. Ruby打开一个类并添加一个带有您提供给Dog类的名称及主体的方法。
First, create a class in the model explorer. 首先,在模型浏览器中创建一个类。
For example, a class describes a physical object in the real world. 例如,一个类描述了现实世界中的一个物理对象。
SortItem is a class containing a field name and a sort order pair. SortItem是一个包含字段名和排序顺序对的类。
It will cause problems when you load the wrong class or the wrong version of a class. 这样做,一旦加载了错误的类或错误版本的类,就会出问题。
In the UML2.0 meta-model, attributes and navigable association ends are both expressed as properties of a class. 在UML2.0通用模型中,属性和可浏览关联结尾都被表达为类的属性。
It is similar to having a class with a main method used for testing other classes in the package. 这类似于将一个具有主方法的类用于测试包中的其他类。
This makes it easy to see if the correct version of a class is being loaded. 这样就可以容易地看出是否装入了类的正确版本。
Factory Method is a structural pattern that lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses. 工厂方法(FactoryMethod)是一种结构模式,它使一个类延迟实例化到子类。
In the Java language, only one sensible mapping exists: The attribute becomes a class variable. 在Java语言中只有一种合理的映射方式:属性变成一个类变量。
We will write a class that determines the factors of an integer. 我们将编写一个确定整数因子的类。
In UML2, an interface is considered to be a specialization of a class modeling element. 在UML2中,一个接口被认为是类建模元素的特殊化。
You can create these magic methods in a class for a variety of action types. 可以在一个类中为各种不同的动作创建这些魔术方法。
You can evaluate a string in the context of a class. 可以在类的上下文中估计字符串。
Attributes are Java properties in a class. 属性是类中的Java属性。
Now that we have a project, we can create a class. 现在有了一个项目,接下来我们可以创建一个类。
Pass it on to a class you will code to plot the graphs. 因此,将它传递给某个类,然后通过对这个类进行编码来绘制图形。
You can give a class, function, or constant any namespace you choose. 您可以给类、函数或常量选择任意的名称空间。